Good news from The Times – Sat July 21st 2018
How reassuring it was to find so much good news among the news in Saturday’s Times.
Foster parents may now cuddle children – that’s official. Thanks goodness common sense seems to have prevailed. To deny any child affection and contact with an adult who is caring for them and who is trusted by them is wicked.
The closure of a police station has been halted by the courts following a case brought by a victim of an assault who was saved by officers who were able to arrive promptly.
Waste food may now be fed again to pigs, so long as it is treated properly. As a child I helped a pig farmer to collect, cook and feed vast quantities of waste food to produce high-quality food when post-war rationing had not long finished. Now two thirds of the world’s population is under-nourished; we should make better use of the food that we are fortunate enough to have at our disposal.
In Sweden refugees from Afghanistan and Pakistan have introduced cricket. We should feel flattered that the game is spreading and, hopefully, the friendship that comes with it.