Last week two tearful mothers sat in the dock at Leeds Crown Court with their sons as these two teenage boys were found guilty of plotting to kill fellow pupils and teachers. Nowhere in Times report is there any reference to their fathers; as in so many reports of this nature one could be forgiven for imagining that these children have had no fathers.
We do know that a third of children are being raised in households where there is no father present and it would not have seemed unreasonable to ask whether the fathers of these boys had been living with them, helping their mothers to bring them up. Apart from anything else, in homes where there are two parents there is a greater possibility that anti-social or criminal behaviour will be detected. We might also ask whether these boys’ fathers will be making any contribution to the cost of providing for their sons now they are likely to spend some time in custody.
Earlier this year the owner who released a dangerous dog, which attacked someone, was jailed: how much more dangerous were these two boys?